61 – Bhangra Blowout 2022 Dancer Review
Sup y’all, on this episode of The Bhangra Podcast we talk to one of the judges from Blowout and captain that attended Blowout about their experience at the competition this year and what other competitions can learn from their experience.
Cool welcome everybody to another
Sid:episode of the Barnardo podcast.
Sid:This is Sid I'm here with Fujin
Sid:from Georgia tech and Uber.
Sid:Uh, and we are here to talk about
Sid:blowout this past year, which is 2022.
Sid:Uh, sort of do just a quick recap.
Sid:We have one of the judges and one of
Sid:the team members.
Sid:Uh, so I just, I just want to
Sid:talk about what the goal of this
Sid:podcast is today.
Sid:And th the point of this podcast is
Sid:not to blast, blow out, uh, people.
Sid:Are doing the best they can.
Sid:Uh, all of us, every single person
Sid:out there is doing the best they can.
Sid:It's not to blast anybody past the
Sid:committee, but it's like none of that.
Sid:This is to take an experience and let's
Sid:learn from this experience, future
Sid:blog committee, you know, feature, any
Sid:committee, take some of these experiences
Sid:at boudin at Ooma.
Sid:We're going to talk about, and
Sid:let's just get better, right.
Sid:That, that that's the whole point,
Sid:you know, and I just want to make that
Sid:clear out the gate, uh, that this is the
Sid:point of our, of us making this podcast.
Sid:Uh, so we'll get into it.
Sid:Um, and after blow, it was done,
Sid:uh, uh, as, as I said before, Uber
Sid:was a judge and.
Sid:There were, he heard a lot of things from
Sid:the team captains.
Sid:I'm sure the other judges did too.
Sid:The team captains, what seemed to went
Sid:through quite a bit, uh, when it, when
Sid:it came to, uh, just logistically working
Sid:with the competition and just various
Sid:things that happened through the weekend.
Sid:So, uh, we got put into a group me,
Sid:uh, and you know, bunch of different
Sid:captains that we're not going to name
Sid:a spoon was one of them though, uh, got
Sid:on the group me and started just saying
Sid:like what happened?
Sid:And so, you know, we're like, okay.
Sid:So if anybody wants to come on and
Sid:talk about this, we can talk about it
Sid:because you know, something just needs
Sid:to be said, as we, as, as, as I said
Sid:before, we want the circuit to be, uh,
Sid:you know, as good as it possibly can be.
Sid:And you can't do that.
Sid:If you don't learn from it, if you
Sid:don't learn from experiences and
Sid:things like this, I promise you if
Sid:this was 2006, There would be
Sid:like 45 posts on BTF of just people
Sid:complaining and just like talking about
Sid:their experience.
Sid:Uh, but I guess the podcast is
Sid:all we have today.
Sid:So, so, so be it, this is where it's
Sid:going to happen.
Sid:Uh, so, uh, want to start, we're just
Sid:going to go through a quick timeline
Sid:of the, uh, of what it was like from a
Sid:Buddhist perspective as a captain, and
Sid:then his perspective as a judge.
Umer:So I got a call and was told that
Umer:I got selected to judge blowout, um,
Umer:March like March 11th, like about
Umer:a month before the competition, um,
Umer:give or take like a few days and
Sid:What was the date of the show?
Poojan:I it was April 2nd.
Sid:All right.
Sid:So you got, you got, you got told
Sid:to March 11 and the shows April 2nd
Sid:boudin boudin.
Sid:When did you find out who was judging?
Poojan:we found out who was judged.
Poojan:I think it was whenever they
Poojan:posted on Instagram for the public.
Poojan:That's when we found
Sid:Okay, got
Poojan:not like
Umer:So here, actually, I have
Umer:to pull up the email cause I don't
Umer:want to misquote anything, but once
Umer:I got the email, I was a little
Umer:confused about the whole process.
Umer:They, so they sent us the old rubric
Umer:and it's, it's clear for me when
Umer:I was looking at this, I was like,
Umer:the circus changed a little bit in
Umer:terms of like rubric formats and like the
Umer:wording of things.
Umer:So I wanted to make sure that the rubric
Umer:was updated and kind of up to snuff
Umer:with how everybody else kind of looks
Umer:at rubric nowadays.
Umer:Um, but the way they want it to
Umer:make changes, it was really weird.
Umer:So in order to prevent like biases
Umer:amongst judges, they didn't tell
Umer:us who the other judges were prior
Umer:to the competition.
Umer:And then also they wanted the
Umer:rubric changes, suggestions to be
Umer:anonymous, I guess.
Umer:So they asked us all to apply to
Umer:the email with the rubric changes,
Umer:and then they would decide what
Umer:the changes to the rubric were.
Umer:And then they, again, like your
Umer:wording of the email is very vague, but
Umer:it, it implied that we will announce
Umer:the changes to you, the judges, and
Umer:then also to the dancers on the pre
Umer:comp judges call and like all at once.
Umer:So like, I'll find out like who the
Umer:other judges are, who the other,
Umer:and then what the rubric is all at
Umer:the same time.
Umer:Well, not cool.
Umer:Um, I will say, and like, I, I do
Umer:want to make sure this is clear.
Umer:Like one thing that was really, I had
Umer:a phone call with one of the directors
Umer:and they were very, very honest and
Umer:very open about, um, like, like they
Umer:basically said, one of them was like,
Umer:basically I was like, yo, this guy
Umer:was a DRP liaison.
Umer:The ligate last, when they one blow
Umer:up, that was the first blog that
Umer:I was a part of.
Umer:And then two years later in I'm
Umer:director, like, I am like, I understand
Umer:that I did a lot of learning that
Umer:I need to do and things like that.
Umer:We want to make this the best
Umer:show possible.
Umer:And so they made a lot of changes.
Umer:Like at least, like, they were
Umer:very, at least from my perspective,
Umer:from the judging perspective, they
Umer:were fairly flexible with what they were,
Umer:uh, willing to do.
Umer:Um, they, after that conversation,
Umer:they just like the conversation.
Umer:I think like a week later they're
Umer:like, okay, we'll just like, make
Umer:a group chat.
Umer:We'll just like, let you all talk and
Umer:then figure it out.
Umer:Unfortunately, because of the
Umer:timing we weren't able to get like.
Umer:Judges with the director's
Umer:call set up in time before the
Umer:prejudges team call.
Umer:So all the changes that were made
Umer:were just like suggestions
Umer:on WhatsApp.
Umer:And it was kind of like, it was
Umer:really like back and forth, back and
Umer:forth, put like very asynchronous and
Umer:things like that.
Umer:So it was really unwell.
Umer:Like it was really unorganized
Umer:and like, yeah.
Umer:So, so yeah.
Umer:And then I think, the rubric was
Umer:announced like on that call, like
Umer:sometime like late March, I feel like
Umer:the last week of March or something
Umer:like 10 days before the competition and
Umer:felt really bad.
Umer:uh, it was also kind of out of our hands,
Umer:like the changes need to see me, but
Umer:also like, they, they, they gave us
Umer:a call three weeks for the competition.
Umer:Like there's not much else I could
Umer:do in that sense, but, um, yeah,
Umer:so that's, that's kind of just like
Umer:some basic stuff.
Sid:So I think, uh, you know, to not,
Sid:to, to try to put it as, as nicely,
Sid:but not lightly as possible is, is this
Sid:is not ideal from a team's perspective
Sid:to not know what the rubric or the judges
Sid:who the judges are.
Sid:Uh, more than two weeks away
Sid:from the show.
Sid:It's a Buddha.
Sid:And I don't know when you got the
Sid:rubric and you don't need to go through
Sid:your email rummaging for it, but just
Sid:knowing that you got into the show four
Sid:weeks prior to you still didn't have.
Sid:You know, uh, that's obviously
Sid:that you didn't get you for four weeks
Sid:away is way too.
Sid:Like I would have been hollering,
Sid:hooting and hollering the
Sid:community and be like, where's
Sid:the rubric at?
Sid:Who are the judges?
Sid:Um, and, and I looked at the
Sid:Instagram while you guys were talking
Sid:and March 23rd.
Sid:So two weeks before the show,
Sid:they announced who the judges were.
Sid:Um, secondly, social first from a
Sid:team's perspective, that's not ideal.
Sid:I don't know how to prepare my team
Sid:for whatever the rubric is and who
Sid:the judges are.
Sid:Uh, no matter what anybody says, um,
Sid:the rubric dictates a lot about, you
Sid:know, what is going to happen at
Sid:the show period.
Sid:I don't care who the judges are, but if,
Sid:and if the judges aren't following
Sid:the rubric, that's also a problem, but
Sid:the rubric should be dictating what
Sid:the bias of the competition is.
Sid:And then at the same time, the judges
Sid:are all human.
Sid:They are their natural
Sid:Uh, I mean, people do do their
Sid:research about who should have
Sid:specific judges.
Sid:And how to tailor a specific moments
Sid:of specific things.
Sid:And I, I could talk, I could rant
Sid:into a whole rant about that catering
Sid:specific, you know, even if you're, even
Sid:if you're trying to cater to a folk
Sid:judge, and you're a, a, a modern team,
Sid:just knowing that you have a folk
Sid:judge on the panel changes the way
Sid:that you prepare for that judge.
Sid:It just, that's just how it is.
Sid:So not knowing those things just
Sid:isn't good from a competitive
Sid:perspective, uh, from the judges,
Sid:from the judges side, uh, not
Sid:knowing who my fellow judges
Sid:are, you know, that's that, that,
Sid:that long away just sounds like
Sid:something archaic at this point.
Sid:It sounds like something that
Sid:used to happen in 2008 where you,
Sid:where they just used to show up.
Sid:Probably didn't even know what the
Sid:rubric was never talked to the teams
Sid:before, um, Bush.
Sid:And it just also doesn't sound like
Sid:they had, do they have a cold call
Sid:with the judges and the teams at all
Sid:before the show?
Sid:Or did that happen?
Poojan:They did.
Poojan:And yeah.
Poojan:Like, I think a couple of days
Poojan:after the rubric was revealed, but
Poojan:yeah, I'm already,
Sid:that happened.
Poojan:already, we're coming into
Poojan:the comp plate.
Poojan:And then there was like one rule on the
Poojan:rubric where it's like, you know, we
Poojan:need to have seven minutes of dancing
Poojan:and it wasn't in the red packet
Poojan:or communicated earlier.
Poojan:And that was like a big place where
Poojan:we were like, oh, you know, I think
Poojan:a lot of teams are sort of in that
Poojan:boat where they were like, yo, um, kinda,
Sid:put it in the packet and
Sid:now it's yeah.
Umer:dad was, um, Yeah.
Umer:that was one thing that, um, that did
Umer:like to be fairly honest, that did
Umer:play a factor into judging.
Umer:we just kind of like when it came
Umer:to like time limit, like we just put
Umer:the same time of it.
Umer:They had in the other rubric.
Umer:Like, I didn't really care about
Umer:it too much, but I'm like, they're
Umer:like, you may notice watching the videos.
Umer:Uh, there were a lot of really long
Umer:shares and they also started dancing
Umer:during the share so that it was like
Umer:active dancing, like during the share
Umer:so that it counted towards the end.
Umer:And, um, I know I'll be specifically
Umer:called out.
Umer:I think maybe I think actually GT
Umer:specifically, they said like, Hey,
Umer:like that share was like really long.
Umer:And like, I didn't really like,
Umer:love it so much.
Umer:And then we only found out after
Umer:the fact, like during the judges
Umer:meeting, after the competition, it's
Umer:like, oh Yeah, we had to, because
Umer:that's seven minute thing where
Umer:it was like, ah, no, that's whack.
Sid:I mean, again, just, you know, not to
Sid:distill what's the toast, the takeaway
Sid:it's just like, give your teams enough
Sid:time to prepare, you know, to, to
Sid:know your judge's only two weeks away
Sid:is, is not right.
Sid:It's just not right.
Sid:Uh, and number two, that not
Sid:having a rubric.
Sid:Uh, more than a month away is
Sid:just not right.
Sid:And from the judges side of
Sid:things, you know,
Sid:uh, we need to be, to talk about
Sid:it, especially if you want us on
Sid:the same page, we need to be able
Sid:to talk about it.
Sid:Just saying, just saying that, okay,
Sid:you guys just make your suggestions
Sid:and we'll decide what, what we take.
Sid:Well, even if I make a suggestion, the
Sid:written word is not the spoken word.
Sid:And we need to talk about the
Sid:written word so that the written
Sid:word means the same thing to all of us.
Sid:And then we, then we communicate that
Sid:to the teams, which is why I need to
Sid:have the judges meeting with the
Sid:teams more than a month and a half
Sid:away from the show.
Sid:So the combination of all these things
Sid:is why, like, you know, again, you
Sid:could have given me that if I was
Sid:an Uber and whoever else's shoes, you
Sid:could have given me the rubric,
Sid:but I would have been like, okay,
Sid:what exactly does this mean?
Sid:If you were telling me like, like if
Sid:I, and especially if I, if I read it
Sid:and I, if I don't know what exactly
Sid:what it means, I'm going to ask
Sid:you what it means.
Sid:And I'm going to ask everybody else
Sid:what it means.
Sid:So that we're on the same page, because
Sid:the last thing we all need is boudin
Sid:to come into a judge's meeting.
Sid:And I say one thing, because I
Sid:interpreted the rubric one way
Sid:and then Umar says another thing.
Sid:Cause he interpreted the rubric
Sid:another way.
Sid:That's, that's just what you don't want.
Sid:And that's what we should be able to
Sid:tie as the judges, we should be to
Sid:talk it through with each other,
Sid:whatever conclusions we come to.
Sid:That's great.
Sid:And then we can write it the way we
Sid:want it, write it.
Sid:And we're all on the same page.
Sid:So take away, get your judges lined up
Sid:and done, you know, as early as humanly
Sid:possible, like as early as humanly
Sid:possible, I get asked to judge NDC
Sid:in like November and the show's not till
Sid:mid-March right.
Sid:So, um, so show, so for actual show
Sid:day, um, I could, I could read one
Sid:of these quotes.
Sid:It's just, again, in this group, me,
Sid:I was, I was reading this stuff and I
Sid:was just like, dang.
Sid:Teams went through some stuff.
Sid:And again, I told Pooja before we
Sid:started recording, this is not the
Sid:worst experience that someone has
Sid:ever had on the partner circuit.
Sid:There's no chance it's not even close.
Sid:Like there are worse Bombardier
Sid:experiences, but this is, but
Sid:this isn't good.
Sid:Uh, and, and for blowout again,
Sid:we got it.
Sid:We got to figure this out.
Sid:Cause you guys are the longest and the
Sid:most oldest show, the collegiate
Sid:championship, you guys need to
Sid:be here forever.
Sid:And you know, we want you
Sid:to be better.
Sid:So, um, Fujin, if you want to talk
Sid:about, um, you know, it like show
Sid:day, uh, mixer show day, like when you
Sid:were in DC kind at least walk us
Sid:through some of the issues that you guys
Sid:are running into.
Poojan:Um, I think one of the things, uh, that
Poojan:was like unique, I remember was
Poojan:talking about this too, when he saw it
Poojan:in the group chat was like liaisons
Poojan:were like given a very specific rule.
Poojan:It was a very good intention, but
Poojan:like, they were just told to like, yo,
Poojan:do not leave teams unattended under
Poojan:any circumstance.
Poojan:And like, Well-meaning rule.
Poojan:And then apparently some of the liaisons
Poojan:on other teams were taking it a little
Poojan:too seriously.
Poojan:And like some of the other teams are
Poojan:saying like, yo, the liaisons were
Poojan:like following us into the bathrooms
Poojan:where the bathrooms are like next door
Poojan:to our practice space or whatever.
Poojan:And you know, just like some of the
Poojan:liaisons are a lot more stickler about
Poojan:it than our team had to deal with.
Poojan:Our team was like a little annoying,
Poojan:but apparently other teams had
Poojan:to take a lot of.
Poojan:I a lot worse than we did.
Umer:I said, so I was talking to one
Umer:of the board members and they swore they
Umer:specific, they told me that some of the.
Umer:Some person in leadership
Umer:specifically told the teams, like, you
Umer:need to follow them into the bathroom.
Umer:You need to like follow them
Umer:everywhere they go.
Umer:Like, as like, again, probably
Umer:well-intentioned, but I'm not really
Umer:sure where that idea came into mind.
Umer:So like that, that wasn't something
Umer:like the liaisons all just like
Umer:collectively decided to do.
Umer:And like, that was something they
Umer:were told to do.
Sid:I was like, someone on board
Sid:had a really bad experience with
Sid:like a team or a dancer at some
Sid:show sometime along the way.
Sid:And they were like, don't leave
Sid:the teams ever.
Sid:I can't imagine what, like honest,
Sid:I can't imagine what that experience
Sid:is that they're telling them to
Sid:like go into the bathroom with them.
Sid:What I don't even know what unintended
Sid:means, to be honest with you.
Sid:Um, because we're all here, you know,
Sid:all competition committees, we are
Sid:there to dance.
Sid:We're not here for anything else.
Sid:All we are doing all day is preparing
Sid:for your show and trying to put on the
Sid:best show possible for your audience.
Sid:So there is nothing else that we are
Sid:doing than that.
Sid:And, you know, bio, we will handle our
Sid:team and because every I've been a
Sid:captain for so long, I have plenty of
Sid:idiots, my team, but we'll handle that.
Sid:You don't need to worry about that,
Sid:who follow them into the bathroom.
Umer:To kind of go off of that.
Umer:And this is a a anecdote that one
Umer:of the teams told me um, so one of
Umer:the teams was trying to get ready for
Umer:the competition.
Umer:And they were told they were wanting
Umer:to warm up before the comp comp.
Umer:But like, I think because of COVID
Umer:restrictions, they weren't allowed to
Umer:be like side stage a warming up, which
Umer:understandable, like there's only
Umer:a certain amount of people you're
Umer:allowed, like backstay side stage.
Umer:So to say that he can't do that.
Umer:Um, so they want, they were just
Umer:going to like, okay, let's just warm
Umer:up, out front, out in front in the,
Umer:like the lobby ish area, but okay.
Umer:Um, So
Umer:what happened next was they were,
Umer:they asked as it's like, Hey, yo, can
Umer:you like, let us know like three,
Umer:four teens ahead of time so that
Umer:we can go warm up and they're like,
Umer:no, whatever, et cetera, et cetera.
Umer:So a little bit further along, um,
Umer:it, it's not like one or two teams
Umer:before the, before.
Umer:And the captain is very insistent.
Umer:Like, listen, I'm like walking out
Umer:the door right now with my team.
Umer:Like, we're going to go warm up because
Umer:we're about to go compete liaison.
Umer:So like you have not been called
Umer:side stage of knock.
Umer:I've not been called backstage.
Umer:You must watch the performances
Umer:and sit and stay in your seats.
Umer:Um, it got to the point where the
Umer:liaison wa S took the props from the
Umer:team, barricaded themselves between
Umer:the team and the doors leading
Umer:out into the lobby and say,
Umer:you cannot leave.
Umer:And so this just team, unfortunately
Umer:I have to dance.
Umer:Which sucks.
Umer:And, uh, talking to a board member
Umer:asking like about that was like,
Umer:what the heck was that about?
Umer:And apparently they were specifically
Umer:told, barricade yourself in front of
Umer:the door to not let anybody, any team
Umer:leave the auditorium because you have to
Umer:watch all, they were insistent upon the
Umer:teams watching all the performances.
Umer:Um, but Yeah.
Umer:that was, again, all that.
Umer:I'll be honest.
Umer:I'm not really sure where the intention
Umer:was or where, what the idea behind
Umer:that was, but.
Umer:Takeaway from that story.
Umer:If you are, if you're a team
Umer:one, you do, don't do not make the
Umer:dancers, watch all performances.
Umer:If they don't want to, like, if they
Umer:get psyched out, let them do what
Umer:they want to do to provide some space.
Umer:Even if it is just like a lobby out
Umer:front or like, I don't know, some,
Umer:some kind of like stairwells something
Umer:where they can just kind of like
Umer:hop in place or do something to kind
Umer:of warm up, provide some kind of space
Umer:to warm up right before they go,
Umer:like, like 2, 3, 4 performance ahead of
Umer:time because dancing cold is the worst.
Sid:I, I have, I'm not going to name
Sid:names, but there are other teams
Sid:that have competing as that when told,
Sid:um, you know, to be forced to watch the
Sid:show, they said, we will not like we do
Sid:not watch the show.
Sid:Like they do not watch anything.
Sid:Like this, this team does not
Sid:watch anybody.
Sid:And I remember the committee being
Sid:saying, well, you have to here.
Sid:And the, the, the coach of the team
Sid:was like, we will not watch the show.
Sid:Like I promise.
Sid:She said to her, I promise you.
Sid:You tell me what time we need to
Sid:be side stage.
Sid:We will be side stage.
Sid:You will have no problem.
Sid:We will dance.
Sid:We will perform.
Sid:Everything will be good.
Sid:We can get ready of the hotel.
Sid:We'll hang out at the hotel.
Sid:We'll get warmed with hotel.
Sid:I'll drive everybody here at whatever
Sid:time you say some 55, we'll be here.
Sid:7 55.
Sid:And the, in the, the golden
Sid:know what to do.
Sid:And that's, we're all
Sid:competitors here.
Sid:We need, we all need to be in
Sid:our own flow.
Sid:We all need, we all have our own
Sid:ways of warming up.
Sid:And especially like, this is,
Sid:this is way too high intensity.
Sid:To allow dancers to only like five
Sid:minutes to warm up.
Sid:So yeah, that's, that's not good.
Sid:Don't do that to dancers that,
Sid:that ruins the show experience.
Umer:Oh, so one thing I did want to
Umer:ask specifically, so we were told by some
Umer:of the other, other teams that they
Umer:were specifically asked, like, Hey,
Umer:we need a full video of your routine.
Umer:Three to four weeks ahead of time.
Umer:And any day it was late, it was
Umer:a $20 late fee.
Umer:Um, why, what, like, what was,
Umer:what was, what was that all about?
Poojan:So I believe in the red packet,
Poojan:they were saying that that was in
Poojan:the event that the comp went virtual
Poojan:and you know, I get it in that case,
Poojan:you need a video, not really sure why
Poojan:you need a video one month in advance.
Poojan:Um, A lot can change to your
Poojan:set in one month, as we all know.
Poojan:Um, I think our team really just ended
Poojan:up, like, we just took one of our old
Poojan:performances and just submitted it.
Poojan:Like, we're not going to rush it,
Poojan:make a new video for this deadline.
Poojan:And we just prayed today.
Poojan:It didn't go virtual.
Poojan:And thankfully it didn't, but it's
Poojan:like a good idea, but it's like, you
Poojan:know, why, why do we need to do that?
Poojan:Like a month in advance?
Poojan:So I'm not really sure the
Poojan:timing wise, but.
Sid:And Putin.
Sid:Can you speak to the, um, there's one
Sid:piece of all of this that, uh, that we
Sid:haven't touched upon yet is the pictures,
Sid:the requirement of pictures or
Sid:something, getting here, getting you
Sid:to spend on that.
Poojan:I think first of all, um,
Poojan:like kind of related to the pictures,
Poojan:just like in general, scheduling
Poojan:on Saturday, like tech time itself.
Poojan:Ended pretty late.
Poojan:Like I think our team got out of like
Poojan:the stage rehearsal, tech time part.
Poojan:I think we were done with that
Poojan:at like 3:30 PM, which is like,
Umer:what, what was your,
Poojan:I was seventh.
Poojan:So second to last and the order and
Poojan:like, it would make sense, like
Poojan:if it's like a 16 team fusion bug
Poojan:or a comp, like maybe it would make
Poojan:sense, but like we have eight teams,
Poojan:two exhibitions.
Poojan:At that point is just like, you know,
Poojan:like, do we really need to drag it
Poojan:out of the song?
Poojan:Like, could we not just push everything
Poojan:up a little bit?
Poojan:You know, that it was like the first
Poojan:weird thing, like tech time ran super
Poojan:late for eighteens to ex exhibitions.
Poojan:But after that, it was like, it was
Poojan:like at 6:00 PM, they were telling
Poojan:us like, Hey, we have this like
Poojan:teen pictures going on and then we're
Poojan:going to be, it's going to be like a
Poojan:mini team, social where you go and
Poojan:like talk to other teams and then.
Umer:So they bait.
Umer:So basically what they were telling
Umer:you to do was that at six, 10, they
Umer:wanted you fully ready, bugs, tied,
Umer:everything ready to go so that you
Umer:could take this photo at six, 10.
Umer:And then go and sit in the audience for
Umer:the entire show for,
Umer:was it, did they give
Umer:you a reason why the picture
Umer:was necessary?
Poojan:no, I mean, it's always like,
Poojan:oh, we need to take team pictures.
Poojan:I don't remember the last time our
Poojan:team has made a team picture that these
Poojan:concert choir, like, I'll be honest.
Poojan:I don't remember.
Poojan:And when we do make it, I don't
Poojan:even know where they get posted.
Poojan:So, you know, like, Yeah.
Umer:that's fair.
Umer:Like, where, where are these?
Umer:Where are these T pictures?
Poojan:I guess in my one Facebook
Poojan:group, like hidden away, like
Poojan:nobody's going to see it anyways.
Poojan:Like, but yeah, it was originally,
Poojan:everybody needs to be ready, all
Poojan:the plugs done.
Poojan:And we're like, like, logistically,
Poojan:that's not going to work out.
Poojan:Like, this is my first year learning
Poojan:how to time anyway.
Poojan:So, you know, I'm a little rusty still
Poojan:learning the road.
Poojan:And, you know, it was just like,
Poojan:we were going back and forth.
Umer:Yeah, I like, four.
Umer:So for any T for any comps out there,
Umer:Um, maybe not who haven't danced, who
Umer:have a desk bunker competitively,
Umer:or haven't been to a, for many
Umer:It takes about 15 minutes to.
Umer:Like if you're good, like if you're like
Umer:really solid and like, got that shit
Umer:smack, like pat down, like yeah.
Umer:It's just about 15 minutes of type bug.
Umer:Um, it can be, and realistically, now
Umer:you're going to have retired like 2, 3, 4
Umer:bugs, like depending on how many bugs
Umer:are the tie, like it takes a long time.
Umer:And so, and that's just like one
Umer:piece then you gotta, you gotta
Umer:tie the formula and you gotta do
Umer:all this, all that pinning everything.
Umer:It takes a long time to get one like
Umer:one dancer ready.
Umer:So realistically, if your team is out
Umer:at three 30 and you tell them, okay, You
Umer:have three hours, right after you just
Umer:danced to eat lunch, go back and forth
Umer:from the hotel, come back, tile,
Umer:the bugs and six it's not feasible.
Umer:And also it's just a picture.
Umer:It's not that deep, like first and
Umer:foremost, like it's like, is your comp
Umer:going to make or break its social
Umer:media presence?
Umer:APAC team is not there.
Umer:You have the video, you can like get
Umer:pictures side stage on stage.
Umer:Things like that.
Umer:This is probably looks way cooler
Umer:than like a post, like, you know,
Umer:but, um, point being competitions,
Umer:fuck your pictures.
Umer:I it's like, it's not that big deep.
Umer:And if you really need it, just
Umer:like get them side stage and be
Umer:like peachy, like cheese them right
Umer:before they get on.
Umer:Like, if that's what you really
Umer:need, but.
Umer:work with the teams, like please like
Umer:just like listen to teams outlet, listen
Umer:to what they want.
Sid:Also, I'll say this, uh, I, I'm
Sid:not gonna say screw your pictures.
Sid:Cause if you really want your pictures,
Sid:then I think that you need to build in
Sid:enough time for the teams to get ready,
Sid:to be able to take their pictures and
Sid:then be ready to deal with the deal
Sid:with whichever team is going to be like,
Sid:listen, we're going last in the show.
Sid:We're not going to be ready at
Sid:five o'clock or whatever it is.
Sid:Uh, you gotta be ready to just
Sid:deal with that.
Umer:Um, one thing, one thing that was
Umer:brought up that was definitely
Umer:even like the play probably a really
Umer:big part in judging deliberations.
Umer:Was the backdrop.
Umer:Uh, what exactly were you told when
Umer:exactly were you told about all
Umer:these details about the backdrop and.
Poojan:If I remember backdrop
Poojan:was like, every calm does this,
Poojan:where it's like, they have this like,
Poojan:$15,000 screen.
Poojan:And I'm just like, why can you just
Poojan:move it a little bit further back?
Poojan:And then we'd be chilling,
Poojan:but whatever.
Poojan:I mean, like, but you know, they
Poojan:told us, I believe with the CAD, they
Poojan:have like captain's meeting after mixer
Poojan:where they usually give us a schedule
Poojan:and stuff, but I think it was then
Poojan:where they're like, yo, you know, really
Poojan:make sure that your team doesn't touch
Poojan:the backdrop or make sure they really
Poojan:don't do that.
Poojan:They really emphasize it there
Poojan:with saying, okay, Um, yeah, that's
Poojan:not like the first comedy to do so
Poojan:they get Nashville.
Poojan:Our team went there and they had similar
Poojan:rules there, but it was like at
Poojan:the cabins meeting on Friday, they
Poojan:told us about it.
Poojan:And you know, so some teams, I don't
Poojan:think my team had much of an issue
Poojan:with it, how the teams obviously
Poojan:did, but yeah.
Umer:Um, so one thing that we were,
Umer:um, like some of the teams told us
Umer:was that, uh, the clarity and about
Umer:what was going to happen to them as
Umer:a team, if they had the backdrop
Umer:was very unclear.
Umer:Um, at first they were just kind of
Umer:saying like, kind of what you told me,
Umer:what you just said was like, just don't
Umer:hit it, please, please, please.
Umer:Don't hate.
Umer:It's very expensive.
Umer:And then at one point, uh, one
Umer:team was burning.
Umer:During their tech time and by
Umer:somebody on, on leadership saying
Umer:like, like screaming at them for like
Umer:four minutes, say like, do not
Umer:talk to backdrop, we're going to
Umer:find you $30,000.
Umer:And I think that like $30,000 number
Umer:kind of spread to like everybody
Umer:else, because every single book, every
Umer:single team that came in was just
Umer:like, Hey, so I know we hit this
Umer:backdrop judges, can you like help
Umer:us get out of this?
Umer:I was like, I don't know what
Umer:to tell you.
Umer:I'm so sorry.
Umer:Um, that's like, that's like
Umer:super stressful.
Umer:I get it.
Umer:Like, it's a very expensive thing,
Umer:things like that.
Umer:But like, I don't know.
Umer:Um, they also didn't really tell us what
Umer:was going on with the backdrop in
Umer:terms of judging.
Umer:Like they just kind of told us
Umer:like, Hey, just letting you know,
Umer:this is back big backdrop thing.
Umer:Uh, we need you to take off points.
Umer:Um, and we kind of decided at the
Umer:judges meeting after talking to them that
Umer:we'll just take off three, but that's
Umer:one thing also, you mentioned that
Umer:after the team.
Umer:As a mixer, what there was some
Umer:issues with getting your schedules
Umer:apparently like they y'all
Umer:only got your, your schedules,
Umer:like 2:00 AM after y'all complaints
Umer:saying like, hi, I'd be all.
Umer:Don't want to show up at 6:00 AM.
Umer:Can you just give us our
Poojan:Unlocked, unlocked a hidden
Umer:If you want to, if yeah, Yeah.
Umer:Go for It
Poojan:but yeah, originally for tech
Poojan:time there, like, it was really weird
Poojan:cause they're like, Hey, all teams need
Poojan:to be at like the practice center.
Poojan:Like there's like a one building
Poojan:right next to the venue where all the
Poojan:dressing rooms were.
Poojan:It was literally right across
Poojan:the street, but they're like, all
Poojan:teams need to be there at 9:30 AM.
Poojan:And we're just like, especially the teams
Poojan:later at tech time are like, why are
Poojan:we showing up nine 30 just to like
Poojan:sit in the dressing room for like four
Poojan:hours, three hours?
Poojan:Like, you know, we all told them that.
Poojan:I think I was the first one.
Poojan:I was like, I leave the rules a little.
Poojan:I think you should give it a little
Poojan:bit more leniency for the later teams.
Poojan:That was like the first weird rule
Poojan:that they said at the meeting.
Poojan:And like, we were all just sort of
Poojan:like, yeah, we hear you, right.
Poojan:Like we all got to be there at
Poojan:nine 30, even if we're like eighth
Poojan:in show order.
Poojan:And then, you know, eventually
Poojan:they changed that.
Poojan:And then they sat on the schedule
Poojan:really late because of that.
Poojan:I don't know if it was like as
Poojan:late as 2:00 AM, but it was pretty
Poojan:late, you know?
Umer:Um, I did want to go over
Umer:some weirdness with the rules
Umer:for judging too.
Umer:So like I said, the wheat, the
Umer:whole thing, but eventually they
Umer:kind of backed down and said like,
Umer:okay, it's fine.
Umer:It's okay.
Umer:We can just, uh, like whatever,
Umer:however you want to adjust
Umer:the rubric and things like that.
Umer:Um, It was very panel, at least
Umer:from my perspective that they were very
Umer:caught up in like how blow has been
Umer:done in the past, what the rules
Umer:were in the past.
Umer:And therefore, like, that is what this
Umer:is going to be like, it's been done this
Umer:way for a long time.
Umer:So therefore we're going to continue
Umer:to do it this way.
Umer:Um, said I don't, I think, I don't
Umer:know if, like, I know you've judged
Umer:bloat a few times in the past, and I
Umer:don't know how you even remotely dealt
Umer:with like a lot of this stuff, because
Umer:like there's like these very, like,
Umer:very complicated rules about like
Umer:swapping teams in placings and
Umer:things like that.
Umer:They wanted.
Umer:All right.
Umer:So let's start with, they're
Umer:very weirdly.
Umer:Like we want you all to do paper judging
Umer:and they will all, you want, write
Umer:it, write it down.
Umer:I said, It got to a point where like,
Umer:they were so adamant about paper judging.
Umer:I was like, I'll just drop out
Umer:right now, man.
Umer:Like, I, like, I haven't booked
Umer:my ticket yet.
Umer:Like, it's fine.
Umer:Like I will, I will just drop out.
Umer:They came back to me the next
Umer:day and were like, okay, fine.
Umer:You can like, you can judge with
Umer:your computer.
Umer:Um, and it was like weird things like
Umer:that just constantly throughout where
Umer:they were just like, we need you to
Umer:follow exactly what this rule book says.
Umer:And because apparently this
Umer:is always the way it was done, which
Umer:I was like false.
Umer:I know sitting there for judges
Umer:with paper laws like that, like
Umer:there's no way he's ever done that.
Umer:And there's no way on Kush
Umer:was doing that.
Umer:There was no way uncle, she
Umer:was falling any of these rules.
Umer:He's just gonna like yell at you
Umer:and tell you, shut the fuck up.
Sid:I, I will say that I will
Sid:say this just, just to back up a
Sid:second, there were no rules for us.
Sid:It was, how should we, how should
Sid:we structure the rubric?
Sid:You guys tell us based on what,
Sid:you know, what we want the rubric
Sid:to look like, and then you guys write
Sid:it out and make, make the points.
Sid:So they give us the freedom to do that.
Sid:And, uh, you know, we, we also had
Sid:the freedom to decide what the
Sid:movement and swaps were looked like.
Sid:We, we, we all decided you can't
Sid:move more than one placing.
Sid:I think, I mean, I've never been
Sid:a part of a, of a panel where I could
Sid:move someone from like one to four or
Sid:something ridiculous like that.
Sid:Um, uh, You know, they gave it,
Sid:there was nothing, there was never a
Sid:moment where I've.
Sid:I mean, like there were, there were
Sid:problems with all with other blowouts
Sid:and that's fine.
Sid:Um, nothing like this though.
Sid:Nothing like with this whole, you
Sid:have to write it right on hand.
Sid:You have to, you know, do
Sid:this or do that.
Sid:Like, it was very much, you guys
Sid:are, the judges were trusted.
Sid:You know, we were bringing you here
Sid:for a reason.
Sid:Tell us what we need to do.
Sid:So you guys can judge this
Umer:And I think end of the day, like,
Umer:again, I want to give like blood
Umer:credit end of the day, like they
Umer:did acquiesce to like me bitching.
Umer:Um, but like, it, it was, it was annoying
Umer:because they're like, no, like,
Umer:like this whole swapping things.
Umer:But again, a lot of rules of judging
Umer:a lot of things like that that were
Umer:really annoying and like, listen,
Umer:take away comps.
Umer:You are bringing on teams.
Umer:You, I mean, say you bring on
Umer:judges, they dance for a long time.
Umer:They know what they're doing.
Umer:They've prob especially for
Umer:blowup, like they've judged before this
Umer:isn't the first time they know
Umer:what they're doing.
Umer:Let them judge the way they
Umer:want to judge.
Umer:Obviously like maybe just have a person
Umer:in a room to just kind of like, make
Umer:sure notion Nanigans and are happening.
Umer:But like, other than that, like let
Umer:them do their job.
Umer:Like that's what you brought them in for.
Umer:Also pay for their hotel and their pay
Umer:for their hotel and pay for the travel.
Umer:Like that's like bare minimum.
Sid:Did did, did block
Umer:They, at first they didn't,
Umer:and then we're just like, you're
Umer:paying for this.
Umer:And they're just like, oh, we didn't
Umer:think about that.
Umer:Let me go back.
Umer:And then like, okay.
Umer:we'll pay for it.
Umer:But like, that was like a thing that
Umer:was like, that was my first thing.
Umer:I was like, ah, this is this isn't
Umer:if there are any issues, but yeah,
Sid:Uh, and you know, I think that,
Sid:uh, it's just, uh, w we said everything.
Sid:I mean, in, in, in the BTF, uh,
Sid:Facebook group, it's whoever proves
Sid:that anymore.
Sid:There's a whole list.
Sid:There's a whole thread of it's
Sid:in the files of like how to run
Sid:a competition, read that through
Sid:multiple people have, have
Sid:contributed to that.
Sid:And I'm sure, you know, more, I
Sid:encourage anybody listening to this.
Sid:If you go read that contributed to
Sid:contribute to that yourself as well.
Sid:Uh, talking to add in adding something
Sid:that you think that would help
Sid:a competition be better and they
Sid:competitions, there's your,
Sid:there's your manual almost right.
Sid:Of just what to do and how to do it.
Sid:Uh, and just follow that and you're
Sid:gonna throw a grip.
Sid:You're gonna throw at least a show
Sid:that teams want to come back to.
Sid:Uh, and I, it doesn't sound
Sid:like based on this group, me, that,
Sid:that we, you know, we read through
Sid:these messages, no one seemed to
Sid:want to, you know, come back except
Sid:for the fact that it's a collegiate
Sid:And, you know, I don't think
Sid:blood is doing a rebranding or
Sid:anything like that.
Sid:It's just get it together
Sid:for next year.
Sid:Just write some standard operating
Sid:procedures, reach out to, you know,
Sid:old blog, uh, you know, chairs, you
Sid:know, 20 16, 20 17 in my opinion
Sid:were great.
Sid:I can't speak for anything after that.
Sid:Um, but if you want to reach out
Sid:to them, reach out to them, uh, read
Sid:that, read that thing and BTF, and
Sid:you'll know, you'll know what to do.
Sid:You will know what to do, and
Sid:if you still have.
Sid:I don't know, just reach out, reach out
Sid:to other, other old, older folks on the
Sid:circuit, people in your area to help
Sid:you like, just get some mentorship.
Sid:What we want you to have a great
Sid:show to all the judges, want you to
Sid:a great show that teams want you to
Sid:have a great show.
Sid:Everybody wants to show to be sold out.
Sid:Everybody wants all the teams
Sid:do really well.
Sid:Like everybody wants the best.
Sid:But if it's just going to be this
Sid:like, well, you have to do this,
Sid:you can't do that.
Sid:It's just not going to, you're not
Sid:going to get the ball rolling in the
Sid:right direction.
Sid:So that's the end of my rant.
Umer:Thank you.
Umer:Bogin for coming on just here,
Poojan:And I just
Poojan:think that, you know, at the end of
Poojan:the day it was our team's first year
Poojan:at blah this year, and then it was
Poojan:still a great time.
Poojan:I mean, think it's our first year.
Poojan:So we're always going to look back
Poojan:on it a little bit fondly, but.
Poojan:And I think in general, you know,
Poojan:any other team, my position is up.
Poojan:They can have better first time
Poojan:or Bette better.
Poojan:15 time.
Poojan:Doesn't matter.
Poojan:Like we should all just strive for a
Poojan:better experience as a whole.
Umer:Yeah, absolutely.
Sid:Thank you for listening to
Sid:another episode of the Bunger podcast.
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Sid:Also join the discord.
Sid:Uber is always dropping stuff
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Sid:in discord.
Sid:If you joined the discard you
Sid:see at first and, and there's also
Sid:some pretty juicy conversations that
Sid:ended up happening and it just discord,
Sid:uh, it seems to be where a lot of the
Sid:chatter is in the Bunger community,
Sid:uh, from a community perspective.
Sid:One-on-one is ramp perspective.
Sid:So do join the discord.
Sid:And with that, that's all we
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