E37: 37 – Womxn in Bhangra: Everything’s Burning Slowly

E37: 37 – Womxn in Bhangra: Everything’s Burning Slowly

E37: 37 – Womxn in Bhangra: Everything’s Burning Slowly

Kidhaaaan, on this episode of The Bhangra Podcast Naina and Ram talk about the blow back from Mailbag #2 and how Naina got here.

Mailbag #2

Ep. 26 – RDR with Ram and the RDR board

NEBC at RDR 2019

Bruin Mutiyaaran at RDR 2019

02:10 background on the reaction to the mailbag episode

06:51 how Naina joined the podcast

12:47 How the podcast has changed

18:20 What were the goals of RDR? What was the need for RDR?

23:30 the board felt unsettled after the comp was over

25:15 best and worst parts of the weekend (mixer vs afterparty)

28:10 feedback to the board from teams

31:25 What does it feel like to hear “women can’t judge”?

36:00 next steps the RDR board envisions

38:03 Navneet talks about being punjabi at a comp vs being a woman

41:18 parting thoughts from Asha & Navneet

44:06 Bruin Mutiyaaran’s intro

45:40 NEBC’s choreo being doubted

Intro Music by First Class Beats (Ram Mahalingam)

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