About us:
Founded in 2017, The Bhangra Podcast was founded by alums of the North American Bhangra circuit to increase access to knowledge of the Lok Naach.
Our goals:
Educate people about Bhangra and the culture behind it as well as increase transparency throughout the competitive circuit.
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How To Make Sure Your Bhangra Critique SMACS
As a Bhangra dancer, or honestly any kind of dancer, you HAVE to be open to criticism. You have to encourage criticism. If you’re constantly batting away or hiding from criticism
The Bhangra Podcast Rookie Exhibition
The purpose of this Bhangra exhibition is to establish a supportive platform focused on providing constructive critiques for emerging Bhangra teams with limited competitive exposur
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As designers, it can somimes be a chall to come up with an initial iea for a conc we might intend to ourselves for ipsm dolore sometimes be a challenge tome up with an initial idea