E8: 8 – Introducing: Umer Qureshi

E8: 8 – Introducing: Umer Qureshi

E8: 8 – Introducing: Umer Qureshi

Hey y’all! On this episode we talk to one of the contributors Umer Qureshi, one of the current captains of First Class Bhangra. Our discussion with Umer focuses:

-Switching from Steel City Bhangra to First Class Bhangra

-Taking over FCB

-His bizarre pre-performance routine and stamina

-FCB’s rivals

Featured Mix – On Fire feat Amar Sandhu by Dr. Srimix https://www.facebook.com/DrSrimix/

[0:00] On Fire feat. Amar Sandhu by Dr. Srimix

[1:05] How Umer got started with Bhangra

[3:15] Switching from a collegiate team, Steel City Bhangra to First Class Bhangra

[4:50] Handling the transition from Sid and Ram to the current crop of captains

[6:57] Umer talks about captaining his first comp at Buckeye Mela 2017 and dealing with the pressure of captaining such a decorated team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MZNQahIlBE

[13:24] How FCB’s intense team culture developed

[18:40] Umer talks about his pre-performance routine

[21:45] Watch Umer (Ferozi) at the end segment talking to Tejas https://youtu.be/AWPjDYxBKC8?t=8m17s and then at the end during the chicken offs https://youtu.be/AWPjDYxBKC8?t=8m52s

[22:42] The photo of Umer screaming at the end of Big10 Bhangra

[23:46] FCBs rival for the upcoming year

Umer’s Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/umer.qureshi.16

Umer’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/umerqureshi96/

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