E6: 6 – Introducing: Romy Bassi

E6: 6 – Introducing: Romy Bassi

E6: 6 – Introducing: Romy Bassi

Hey on this episode we talk to Romy Bassi, a dancer and competition organizer for the past 11 years. Our discussion with Romy focuses:

-Competition Organizing – #bhangracompetitions

-VIBC – ay #vancouver

-Duniya All Stars – eh #folk

-OMG Why Am I in DC? #suspense #dc

[0:00] Ride Wit Me X Look Lak by JANIBOI https://soundcloud.com/karan-jani-4/ride-wit-me-x-look-lak

[1:11] Romy’s introduction into the Bhangra circuit

[4:20] Duniya All Stars at Notorious Bhangra 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBtdYIg-NQg

[7:11] First joining a team in 2006

[8:53] Starting to take on more of an organizer role at VIBC http://www.vibc.org/

[10:04] Taking over liaison duties for UNC after the original liaison broke her ankle

[11:41] Joining Jawani Bhangra and meeting her husband JSK, Jasmeet Singh Kapoor, at Bruin 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atemb3RZ5ec

[14:22] A Bhangra Wedding https://blog.shaadishop.co/2015/06/19/bhangra-competition-wo-the-competition-romy-and-jasmeet/

[16:43] JSK and Romy Wedding Performance Collab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGU-8UBgCGE

[18:25] The topics that Romy wants to cover in the podcast

[23:40] VIBC and its Punjabi community influence on the festival

[26:11] Get in touch with Romy!

Romy’s Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/RomyBassi

Romy’s Instagram – @romesauce

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