E7: 7 – Introducing: Ram Mahalingham
Hey y’all! On this episode we talk to one of the contributors Ram Mahalingham, the former captain and founder of First Class Bhangra . Our discussion with Ram focuses:
-FCB’s turning point
– Working with co-captains
-Judging in the circuit
-Warding off complacency
[0:00] The Bruin Bhangra Mixtape – https://soundcloud.com/kalerity/official-bruinbhangra-xix-mixtape
[1:03] Ram talks about the turning point when FCB started becoming a successful team
[1:27] First Class Bhangra at Fever 4 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtNlyGKyvi8
[10:51] Ministry of Bhangra Sydney at Bruin Bhangra 2017 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPuzNCJEVdg
[12:05] Ram’s relationship with Sid Pandit and talking about how to work with a co-captain
[14:57] FCBs captain structure
[18:40] The value of judges feedback
[25:16] Judging in Australia
[27:30] Dealing with arrogance and warding off complacency
Ram’s Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/ram.mahalingam
Ram’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/t_ramrod/
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