E4: 4 – Introducing: Nimit Desai
Nimit Desai former captain of Buckeye Bhangra and KPGD dancer. With a very unique style and energy, Nimit Desai is prolific dancer in every sense of the word. In this episode we talk to Nimit about:
-Captaining Buckeye Bhangra as a sophomore
-Recovering from a loss at Blowout 2016 and roaring back the following season
-His change to his set design approach
-And a few callouts along the way
0:00 Nimit’s start with Bhangra
2:50 Nimit with Buckeye Bhangra
4:58 Nimit taking on captain’s duties for the first time
7:08 When Nimit first became captain he focused a lot on making choreography and he talks about his mistakes and successes with this approach
10:07 Dealing with the loss at Bhangra Blowout 2016 www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4_KGI9BBKY and reinventing and using the loss as motivation for the following season
12:16 Buckeye Bhangra at Aaj Ka Dhamaka 2016 www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9o8V0UVkLg
13:06 After having a year without placings but still having gone to Blowout, Nimit talks about changes in leadership style, choreography and set design, and overall team mentality
18:49 After a very successful 2016-2017 season Nimit reflects on the result of Bhangra Blowout 2017 www.youtube.com/watch?v=N73M-tk3Tpo
22:13 After dancing with KPGD at Bruin 2016 www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZhZquLEpCA and then competing against many of his teammates from that squad throughout the year, Nimit talks about how he felt competing against his friends, creating a ‘sibling rivalry’ with many of them
23:57 Nimit’s opinions on other teams throughout the circuits set design from a pure choreography standpoint
25:20 We also talk some smack and Nimit throws out a few callouts by name
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