E51: 51 – Bhangra In the Burgh 2021: Judges Review
On this episode of The Bhangra Podcast we talk to the judges of Bhangra in the Burgh 2021 about their placings!
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You know, like they did great gimmicks, but like Pooja just said a
Simran:lot of the stuff was just running around and it was like, you do two counts and
Simran:then move two counts and then move.
Simran:You have to show . We have to be able to see that you can do actual Bhangra on the
Simran:spot and everyone can look like a team
Umer:This is the Bhangra Podcast
Umer:back with our last episode of:Umer:And fittingly enough, we finally get to talk about actual Bhangra up
Umer:perform rather than it, having to talk about everything else outside for
Umer:It's been like
Umer:2 years good god today, we are talking with the judges of Bhangra in the
Umer:Burgh:Umer:they ended up deciding on the final placing and everything else around the
Umer:judging, Also, I just want to shout out Burgh for giving us a press pass
Umer:in the competition.
Umer:It let us record little moments
Umer:backstage after performances.
Umer:Dancers and according tech time, stuff like that.
Umer:I also want to shout out to judges for being so open during this episode.
Umer:and we got one little extra surprise I'll announce at the end of this
Umer:So stick around until the very end.
Umer:Thank you all for checking out this episode.
Umer:Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel where we're going
Umer:to be posting more video content along with a video form of this
Umer:All right.
Umer:Let's get to it.
Anil:Um, so let's go over a quick introduction for everybody.
Anil:Can everybody go ahead And introduce themselves?
Anil:We'll start with.
Simran:Hey everyone.
Simran:My name's
Simran:Simran I'm from Toronto, Ontario, then doing Bhangra for the last 14 years now.
Simran:Um, Just getting into judging, excited to see, you know, what the future.
Pooja:Hey everybody I'm Pooja.
Pooja:I've been dancing since I was six years old.
Pooja:I'm classically trained, but I've been uh, served as captain
Pooja:back while I was back in.
Pooja:school And, um, most recently I've been dancing and competing with Fauj
Naina:or one of the podcasts know who I am, and I'm usually on the
Naina:other side of the microphone here.
Naina:Um, but today I'm as guest.
Naina:I've been dancing:Naina:bunch of teams based in New York city.
Naina:And yeah.
Naina:Excited today as a guest.
Anil:And Kuntal want to finish it up.
Kuntal:Hey guys, this
Kuntal:is Kuntal just, uh, been on the circuit for forever.
Kuntal:Uh, since:Kuntal:also one of the co-founders of, uh, Carolina, Indian arts stance
Kuntal:academy, and uh, championships of Bhangra So, uh, excited to
Kuntal:be here,
Kuntal:excited to
Kuntal:you guys
Kuntal:some, you know inside, look into what goes on in the judging
Kuntal:So looking forward to it.
Anil:All right.
Anil:So, um, let's go.
Anil:I'm going to go, I know people have to leave by two, so we'll
Anil:just jump right into this.
Anil:Um, the first thing I just want to ask you guys, and just kind of to
Anil:set the scene.
Anil:big competition was March of:Anil:So coming back, obviously this wasn't the first competition back,
Anil:but with the names of the teams are coming and the first big in-person.
Anil:What was your overall impression?
Anil:How'd you guys feel coming back to actually come and watch it.
Anil:Bhangra competition.
Simran:think for myself, it was very, very refreshing because over
Simran:the last two years, we've pretty much just been seeing online teams.
Simran:Um, it's a better experience.
Simran:You can judge a lot better.
Simran:There's more chemistry between teams.
Simran:Of course, it was hard
Simran:to know what to expect with teams.
Simran:Cause you didn't know, you know, over, COVID not a lot of teams
Simran:were Um, they weren't active,
Simran:but it was refreshing to see new ideas, um, current ideas
Simran:being incorporated and such.
Pooja:yeah, I would agree.
Pooja:Um, to be completely honest, I think I was expecting more from this lineup since
Pooja:we had some pretty big name teams at this
Pooja:competition, but, you know, given that we've all had a couple of years without in
Pooja:person comps, it's definitely harder now.
Pooja:Uh, since training new dancers, holding practices.
Pooja:Has undoubtedly been tricky for teams.
Pooja:Um, but yeah, it was, it was really nice and refreshing to
Pooja:see dancing back in person.
Pooja:Now I was having FOMO over the entire time because I wanted
Pooja:it to be dancing up on stage.
Naina:Yeah, I think for myself, um, on the one hand, I think just personally,
Naina:it felt really to be back at a comp Like it's been a really long time.
Naina:I think even just being the same room as a bunch of like dancers, people that
Naina:are, you know, our peers, people we know, um, I think it was like just like
Naina:emotionally, a really nice moment to see a bunch of people that we know and
Naina:care about doing they love care about.
Naina:Um, I think from like a judging perspective, I definitely was really
Naina:curious to know if things have been a lot of talk over the last year or
Naina:two about like okay, what will it look like when everyone comes back?
Naina:how will sets have change?
Naina:Our people's like set design methods gonna have changed because of pandemic
Naina:and those, you know, restrictions.
Naina:That's put on everybody.
Naina:So it's really cool to see like how many of those predictions came
Naina:true and how many of them didn't.
Naina:Um, but yeah, I think it was a good feeling overall be, back at competition.
Naina:Just see what everyone's done.
Kuntal:For sure.
Kuntal:it was obviously enjoyable.
Kuntal:Uh, And it was also really special was I didn't expect there
Kuntal:to be a lot of ticket sales.
Kuntal:Um, you know, just people being concerned about being in a crowd and whatnot,
Kuntal:but, uh, whatever the Burgh committee did was awesome.
Kuntal:ke over a thousand tickets or:Kuntal:tickets or something like that.
Kuntal:So having a, you know, one us getting to witness these
Kuntal:teams, um, perform live again.
Kuntal:But on top of that,
Kuntal:being back in an
Kuntal:environment where everyone's cheering each other on, it was just really
Kuntal:special to be there.
Kuntal:And in terms of, you know, what teams brought w you know, it was going to be
Kuntal:weird and it's, everyone's been wondering what it's going
Kuntal:to be like.
Kuntal:Um, you know, with passing off to the next
Kuntal:generation of
Kuntal:captains or, um, collegiate teams, trying to figure out how to do
Kuntal:this from scratch pretty much.
Kuntal:Um, but the one thing I think that we said from the get-go, even in our first
Kuntal:judge's call with the teams was, uh, you've had two years to kind of come out.
Kuntal:You know, creative moves and choreo and ideas.
Kuntal:Uh, so we hope you hash those ideas out and figure out a way to present
Kuntal:them in a way that blows us away.
Kuntal:Um, I will echo Pooja in the sense that we weren't really that blown away.
Kuntal:Uh, but
Kuntal:everyone was pretty dang good for having a year and a half off or whatever it was.
Kuntal:So, uh, that was very.
Anil:And just to touch back on what Kuntal
Anil:you and Pooja just said Uh, were you guys overall like satisfied.
Anil:or dissatisfied
Anil:with what you saw or what
Anil:the comp experience.
Pooja:I would say I was definitely satisfied.
Pooja:I mean, you
Pooja:know, we're, we're all here because we loved like, this is, this is what we do.
Pooja:And it's just, it's a blessing to be part of it.
Pooja:So I would say in that sense, um, I think we're all pretty grateful that
Pooja:we're still, still able to do this.
Pooja:Um, but in terms of like the competitive sense, um, I'm, I'm hoping to see.
Pooja:And the next down upcoming.
Kuntal:Yeah, I felt like that was how I kind of tailored a
Kuntal:lot of my discussion with teams.
Kuntal:Um, was where do you go from here and how do you actually get yourselves
Kuntal:back to where you used to be, or, or just push the you know, push the
Kuntal:level of your team to the next tier?
Kuntal:Um, and that.
Kuntal:was basically how I framed every conversation and.
Kuntal:In, in the hopes of, uh, next semester's comps, you know,
Kuntal:actually blowing people away.
Kuntal:Uh, so hopefully, you know, this was just a stepping stone to get back into, um, as
Kuntal:competitive as the circuit was before the.
Naina:I think it definitely.
Naina:Also, if you look at Burgh's pass one of the.
Naina:things that surprising to me along the lines of what, Pooja and
Naina:Kuntal arehighlighting is that.
Naina:I feel like in years past, it's always been, know, like the, the Burgh lineup has
Naina:always really strong and not say that the lineup was not strong this year at all.
Naina:It totally was.
Naina:But in the past you get a lot of burgs where there's like a cluster of teams
Naina:at top where everyone has their own opinion about like, who really could
Naina:have taken for a second or third.
Naina:And, know, that's obviously like indicative of the strength of the
Naina:teams that Burgh brings every year.
Naina:And like as a panel, when we
Naina:were judging, uh, this past competition, it didn't feel like there was that cluster
Naina:of teams where it was like really hard to see who was going to edge each other out.
Naina:Um, teams did well overall, but it's, it was still like there was
Naina:still a deficit between like the.
Naina:top few teams.
Naina:And then there was like a drop he's like that skill level of
Naina:like, the next few teams and there was drop for next few teams.
Naina:So it wasn't as, uh, the
Naina:skill level and Like execution and creativity of the teams was not
Naina:clustered around Like the same level.
Naina:the way I feel like it hit has Burgh's past
Simran:Yeah, I agree in the sense that every team did
Simran:bring a good performance, but.
Simran:At that competition level, it was very clear cut out, um, kind of first,
Simran:second, third, and then so forth.
Simran:I think going forward it's maybe this was just kind of teams getting back into
Simran:it, trying to figure out how they're going to be meeting during the pandemic.
Simran:Um, kind of feeling out the circuit,
Simran:what everyone is looking forward to, but going forward, I do
Simran:want to see a little bit more, um, Kind of all the teams at the same level, in
Simran:a sense and more deliberation for sure
Anil:All right.
Anil:Um, so speaking of like, I guess the lineup of what the teams brought
Anil:themselves, um, and you guys obviously took notes throughout the competition.
Anil:Can we get like a high level,
Anil:breakdown of what you saw from different.
Anil:Like things like gimmicks.
Anil:What was memorable?
Anil:Like just kind of break that, break that down at a high level.
Kuntal:I can take this one.
Kuntal:you know, to be completely honest, this was the easiest judges deliberation.
Kuntal:meeting I've ever been in I've judged a lot of comps and I've never had a
Kuntal:deliberation that took three minutes and this one did, um, it was a clear one,
Kuntal:clear two and like a 90 second discussion kind of about three, but not really.
Kuntal:Um, so, you know, placings wise, we were all on the same page and
Kuntal:that was nice, but it just kind of emphasizes the fact that it wasn't.
Kuntal:No one brought anything that, you know, made us question, uh, or, you know,
Kuntal:made our different backgrounds, have a
Kuntal:conversation about what was going on.
Kuntal:So, uh, I thought that was interesting.
Kuntal:And I also thought it was awesome though.
Kuntal:We didn't have to have that discussion and a potential argument about any placings,
Kuntal:um, especially knowing, uh, you know, the last three Burgh's that I've been a part
Kuntal:of it's ha it has been that experience.
Kuntal:So, um, it was definitely different.
Kuntal:Um, getting into the teams though, um, you know, first class one first, um, and.
Kuntal:I think right after they
Kuntal:performed Sumit and I looked at each other and were like, they're just so
Kuntal:smart and know how to do this rubric and know how to work this stage.
Kuntal:basically everything they did, you know, segment a segment, they just
Kuntal:knew how to capitalize on a whatever memorable thing they were trying
Kuntal:to do in every single segment.
Kuntal:Nothing like blew us away about it, but it was just really, really good.
Kuntal:Um, And the timing was very well done.
Kuntal:So, you know, like the way they build up to their effects, it
Kuntal:happens in a way that the first time you watch it, you appreciate
Kuntal:Um, I'll let some of these other guys get
Kuntal:into more set, specific stuff, but I just thought I'd mentioned that
Kuntal:with a First Class in the first place
Simran:I think for me, another thing that was really nice was
Simran:they were hitting their drops They were hitting their gimmicks.
Simran:Like it made sense when they would do anything, even if it was super subtle.
Simran:So like to get into very specifics, they played black and yellow.
Simran:They had a black and yellow jodi come to the.
Simran:front Very subtle, but the crowd understood it.
Simran:Judges understood it.
Simran:And it's just little moments like that, that just build up your set to
Simran:become a first place set As Kuntal has also said they studied the rubric.
Simran:They knew where their major points, where they knew where, you know, we
Simran:don't need to focus too much here because this is what the big winner is.
Simran:Um, other teams, they did have really, really good sets, but
Simran:I feel like it was kind of.
Simran:If they had good formation, they would lack on execution.
Simran:If they had good sync, they would lack on formations.
Simran:Um, a lot of teams, what we repeatedly said was what was
Simran:memorable about yourself?
Simran:What was the one part in each segment that you wanted us to remember?
Simran:And as a team.
Simran:you should be able to tell the judges that, especially on a panel of.
Simran:Uh, you expect a lot more deliberation.
Simran:We all come from very, very different backgrounds.
Simran:So it's kind of just like making sure that you're well-rounded as
Simran:opposed to just one strong set,
Simran:um, teams had really, really strong dancers as well.
Simran:They would have,
Simran:you know, like Furteelay did the heartbeat thing in the start.
Simran:Uh, they had a nice vibey jhummar, but then it was like, sometimes there's a
Simran:few segments that don't have that same.
Naina:Yeah, I would say that looking at the sets overall, really both
Naina:first-class and Farishtey had the.
Naina:Consistent, uh, segment to segment central idea.
Naina:That was like important thing you get?
Naina:I wouldn't say that it was like either first, they are
Naina:first class as best sets ever.
Naina:Um, but I think that those two teams did the best in terms of having something
Naina:in every single segment, um, and know, selling their set really well.
Naina:I do not think that like Farishtey their scores.
Naina:If you look at the way we scored them there, You know, execution in sync kind
Naina:of fell a little bit short, but we all felt like they were really creative
Naina:and they were really selling their.
Naina:Um, so I would say that those two teams did the
Naina:best in terms of every segment, having something like someone saying, Um,
Naina:that's not to the other teams, didn't also have out segments, but that
Naina:was kind of exactly where they fell short, where they had like one or two
Naina:really stand out, incredible segments.
Naina:and then the rest of the set.
Naina:necessarily live up to
Naina:that standard that they themselves had set for, know the performance
Naina:that they were doing that night.
Naina:So, you know, mob had a
Naina:jhummar that all of our.
Naina:We watched that.
Naina:And we all just had like the best time watching them dance there's are more,
Naina:Um, we didn't feel that way, the entire set which would have been really nice.
Naina:and, kind of know, we hope that mob and the next time they go to competition,
Naina:the care that they put in designing that segment, the way that they dance it is
Naina:what they to the rest of their design now, because we know they can do it.
Naina:We just need to see that done throughout.
Naina:So that's just one example, but I think that was a theme that
Naina:all of us picked up on And that.
Naina:also thematic and the feedback we the
Pooja:definitely, definitely.
Pooja:I could echo that as well.
Pooja:Um, there was a lot of strong dancing from teams, but it came down to like the
Pooja:consistency and keeping everyone engaged,
Pooja:um, by like having
Pooja:dynamic pacing in your set.
Pooja:Um, you know, making sure
Pooja:you're hitting every section of the rubric,
Pooja:like Kuntal was saying, I did want to mention.
Pooja:So I actually really liked, uh, Cornell set.
Pooja:Um, they tried some different things with their set and, uh, some of them
Pooja:hit some of them didn't but what matters is that they tried to be bold.
Pooja:Um, like dancer maturity execution are definitely the biggest areas
Pooja:of improvement, but I think they're on the right track.
Pooja:And I loved seeing kind of that.
Pooja:Go get it.
Pooja:Attitude for them, even in the
Pooja:judges meeting, like makes me excited to see what they're going to bring.
Anil:All right.
Anil:Um, and I guess just one thing I got, I want to touch on or kind of
Anil:go over is that, um, of people will like everybody, all the viewers will
Anil:have their own opinion on who should have placed, but I don't think they
Anil:understand what they're being, what the teams are being judged off of because
Anil:every comp has a different rubric.
Anil:So can you guys just break down this rubric and how it applies to.
Anil:The placing is applied to that rubric who, who got first and why they
Anil:got first, according to the rubric.
Kuntal:Sure I can take this one.
Kuntal:Um, so the.
Kuntal:There's three overall umbrellas of categories in this rubric.
Kuntal:First one being set design and within set design there's creativity,
Kuntal:choreography, design, and formations, sorry, difficulty of choreography,
Kuntal:design of formations, and then cohesion.
Kuntal:How does all that work together kind of thing.
Kuntal:Um, so that's a total of what was that?
Kuntal:45 points I think, uh, And then there's two execution umbrellas.
Kuntal:So one is dance execution.
Kuntal:That's talking about form and stage presence, and then there's
Kuntal:set execution, you know, as a team, how did you execute the set?
Kuntal:Uh, so sync and, um, executing your formations and team energy.
Kuntal:Um, so those are the main buckets of you know, of the rubric there.
Kuntal:Um, so if you're talking about, you know, comparing design versus
Kuntal:execution, um, 45 was set design.
Kuntal:30 was dancer execution.
Kuntal:30 was set execution.
Kuntal:So total of 60 for execution.
Kuntal:So you weren't going to win this comp without, you know, having practiced a lot
Kuntal:and, you know, executing at a high level.
Kuntal:Uh, but on top of that, there, there is, you know, 15 points
Kuntal:for creativity of choreography.
Kuntal:Uh, Which is where there was a kind of a big spread, um, you know, in
Kuntal:terms of, uh, how the team stacked up and why that, you know, ended
Kuntal:up working out the way it does.
Kuntal:You know, you always got to remember that this is an average of five
Kuntal:people's numbers that go into it.
Kuntal:And it's not just like, arbitrarily picking or anything like that.
Kuntal:But, uh, for this night, First Class won every single one of the categories on
Kuntal:the rubric, except for one And that was
Kuntal:Um, So you know, it's very easy to see how they won this rubric.
Kuntal:if they literally won every single category.
Kuntal:Um, after that Farishtey Furteelayor you know, RVD and mob were all
Kuntal:kind of mixed, depending on which category we're talking about.
Kuntal:Um, for example, like RVD was the top score in form on the night.
Kuntal:Uh, but we're 1, 2, 3, 4, fifth in.
Kuntal:Fourth and set design.
Kuntal:Um, you know, So when you have that kind of spread category to category,
Kuntal:it's not going to help you get that, um, total score that gets you the placing.
Kuntal:Um, So again, just goes back to how FCB was smart about how
Kuntal:they checked off pretty much every single box on the rubric.
Kuntal:And it added up to enough for them to, to be the clear winner of that night.
Naina:I just want to say something that like, for people who might be
Naina:listening to who like have not judged before, I think this is something
Naina:that people forget is one as judges who are there for the competition.
Naina:Like we get one look at what's happening as it's happening.
Naina:And so a lot of.
Naina:times, and like, it's something that I used to do right.
Naina:When I was like a younger dancer and didn't really understand how like judging
Naina:or rubrics work, I would be like, watch the videos when they came out afterwards.
Naina:Like, it looks very different and you're watching a very different
Naina:pace in a very different environment.
Naina:You can also like rewind, right?
Naina:So like the perspective that you have as a judge watching is very
Naina:different from what other people have.
Naina:And then also judging against the rubric.
Naina:Um, if you're doing a good job of judging, you're evaluating just against that
Naina:rubric, not necessarily what you want.
Naina:So the way that we, as a panel place, these teams, like we all had
Naina:very, very, very similar scores.
Naina:We do not have very similar backgrounds nor do we have
Naina:very similar personal tastes.
Naina:But we all have the same scores.
Naina:So I think, you know, it's important to remember that who we think
Naina:places is not always indicative of.
Naina:Who we like best or who we think we had the most fun watching, like all
Naina:of those things have their place on a rubric, like having fun, watching someone
Naina:figures under current stage presence.
Naina:But it's important.
Naina:Remember that like everyone has their own opinions about what they like,
Naina:but part of the job of judging is to match that against a rubric and
Naina:make sure that that's, you know, represented properly the score
Simran:And I think it's important to remember that like these rubrics
Simran:for each comp are created by the judges on the panel, teams are given
Simran:these rubrics months in advance.
Simran:So they know exactly what it is.
Simran:We're looking for.
Simran:Same as Naina said, I could love a team, but that doesn't mean that what this
Simran:comp they would win maybe a different comp it would be a first place that.
Simran:Um, also just remembering, like you can have great set design, but if
Simran:your execution isn't there, you're not selling that choreography.
Simran:You're not showing us the true potential of your set.
Simran:Um, First Class being the first place team first there being the second
Simran:place team, they had, you know, strong set design, which is 35 points.
Simran:They had good execution.
Simran:They had, um, good team execution, set execution, form.
Simran:Maybe not
Simran:The top form of the night, but
Simran:it was still there.
Simran:They were, still able to show us exactly what it was that they wanted to show.
Simran:Um, so I think that's another thing
Simran:when you're trying to
Simran:win a comp just remembering that judges are watching
Simran:everything as a whole.
Simran:It's not
Simran:just like we have a
Simran:great set so we're
Kuntal:And I think, um, something that's shifted in the circuit, which is great
Kuntal:is that these rubrics are getting more organized in ways that.
Kuntal:One for judges to, to score right away, but to, to communicate
Kuntal:that to teams and, and, you know,
Kuntal:on top of that, maybe also, uh, doesn't allow
Kuntal:as much for, uh, judging preferences
Kuntal:or judges preferences to play a
Kuntal:part in who wins that night.
Kuntal:And, you know, uh, when you have a good rule,
Kuntal:It's going to work out in the way you want it to work out and what, whatever
Kuntal:the vision of that comp, you know, was,
Kuntal:um, laid out to us, uh, from the committee
Kuntal:is, is going to show up, uh, at the end of the day in the scores, if the rubric was
Kuntal:constructed to match that.
Anil:I so know that first place.
Anil:What places were, what Farishtey
Anil:no, Farishtey second, first class first.
Anil:And for Furteelay third, correct.
Anil:Um, what was the difference between.
Anil:First and second place, like why, why first-class get first?
Anil:Y'all you said they like scored high and they got the high score in every category.
Anil:Um, but what could have, what could have like Farishtey I've done
Anil:better to take that first place.
Pooja:yeah, I can take a crack at this one.
Pooja:Um, and as my perspective, judges,
Pooja:please add if you can think of anything else, but from, even from our discussions,
Pooja:like, um, first day, it was very pleasurable to watch good stage presence.
Pooja:Um, solid set.
Pooja:There just weren't memorable drops, especially in their, um, prop segments.
Pooja:Um, they built cool moments, cool small moments, but, um, they could have hammered
Pooja:them harder and good use of stage, but sometimes I felt like they were,
Pooja:um, you know, not hitting all the formations or like they were just,
Pooja:um, moving around a bit too much and not letting their formations
Pooja:and their ideas be digestible.
Pooja:Um, In those ways FCB had a leg up.
Pooja:Um, and it goes back to what Kuntal was saying in terms of FCB
Pooja:just did like one or two points better in every single category.
Pooja:And that's what, what, um,
Simran:I think also, um, fresh.
Simran:They had a really good set.
Simran:I can't say I didn't enjoy it.
Simran:You know, like they did great gimmicks, but like Pooja just said a lot of
Simran:the stuff was just running around and it was like, you do two counts and
Simran:then move two counts and then move.
Simran:You have to show . We have to be able to see that you can do actual Bhangra on the
Simran:spot and everyone can look like a team.
Simran:Another thing for myself was there were very, very small mistakes that
Simran:first they had, you know, they had two dancers that almost fell on
Simran:stage, um, legs showing on Dhammal.
Simran:That's like, of course it doesn't dock a whole lot of points, but when you put
Simran:it into perspective and you look at the little, little mistakes that add up it.
Simran:And you're comparing to a team that won first place that had
Simran:very, very minimal mistakes.
Simran:It's it's not so much of a deliberation.
Simran:Um, and then another thing I would say is they had really good
Simran:dancers, but then there are some dancers that can still match up
Simran:to different levels.
Simran:Um, some dancers stick out a little bit more than others.
Simran:Of course, that's dancer maturity.
Simran:It's just experienced, but
Simran:just making sure everyone
Simran:looks alike.
Simran:No, one's standing up.
Kuntal:And, And, just to give some context, you know, they were three
Kuntal:and a half points back or three points or so back on the night.
Kuntal:And I think, um, and that's across an entire 115 point rubric.
Kuntal:So we're not talking about like a giant spread here.
Kuntal:Uh, but it was enough for there not to be a conversation about, um, you know,
Kuntal:whether or not first had deserved first.
Kuntal:Like they said that, that there were two falls, a mismatch here.
Kuntal:Uh, On top of that, you know, they, I told them in the meetings that they,
Kuntal:I didn't feel like they researched the Burgh stage and what hits well
Kuntal:formation only on the Burg stage.
Kuntal:Well, um, and that took away from some of their moments.
Kuntal:So, you know, th the combination of all of those things
Kuntal:just gave FCB enough padding to, you know, not even be for not to be
Kuntal:a conversation where we're, we're thinking about switching those to.
Naina:three points on the whole.
Naina:But like, if you look at the averages, they're almost a full point behind
Naina:FCB Just on design of formations.
Naina:So we've, we all say, we've been saying how, like, we, like their
Naina:formations could have been better.
Naina:And it's reflected in that score.
Naina:There were like, that really could have,
Naina:you know, they really could have closed the gap there.
Naina:And then you're not a three, maybe you're down to like just two points.
Naina:and just, you do a little bit better in every single category.
Naina:They're like pretty much the second place team behind, uh, first
Naina:class in the majority of the categories, you know, Kuntal highlighted some
Naina:of the other discrepancies earlier.
Naina:Yeah, just a little bit better in everything really could
Naina:have really could have pushed.
Kuntal:The biggest, uh, spread that FCB made with Farishtey is, is, you know,
Kuntal:going back to those three buckets of score, uh, categories in set design alone,
Kuntal:you know, FCB was up over two points.
Kuntal:You know, that that's most of the.
Kuntal:The, the spread right there.
Kuntal:Um, you know, just in those, in that 35 point category out of 115,
Kuntal:there's a two point spread already.
Kuntal:So it, it just, you know, it echoes
Kuntal:everything we're saying that they didn't quite make their set work for.
Anil:As you guys are saying first place and second
Anil:place kind of clear cut based off the
Anil:scores and the spread.
Anil:Um, third place you said there was, that was where the main debate
Anil:was though it was like 90 seconds.
Anil:But like, what was, what was the debate there?
Anil:Like why, how many teams were like competing for.
Anil:third place right there?
Kuntal:So I think, uh, four judges.
Kuntal:No three judges had Furteelay third just from numbers.
Kuntal:and there were two other teams that we kind
Kuntal:of talked about.
Kuntal:RVD was in the running and MOB was in the running.
Kuntal:So those sort of the three teams that we kind of discussed
Kuntal:for a third place, um, MOB,
Kuntal:we just didn't feel like had enough.
Kuntal:For us to consider stepping outside of the rubric and considering them for third,
Kuntal:um, RVD is an interesting situation.
Kuntal:like I said, they had the top form score of the night.
Kuntal:Uh, but you know, they had an unfortunate situation where they had a dancer
Kuntal:leave the stage, um, and that dancer leaving stage was a distraction.
Kuntal:And, um, you know, when you think about it in terms of, oh, just one dancer left
Kuntal:the stage, it was probably a deduction.
Kuntal:And maybe it makes sense that there may be
Kuntal:more in the conversation, but when you think about it in terms of what
Kuntal:a judge has to do and, uh, putting that to numbers on the, on the sheet,
Kuntal:you know, if someone's leaving stage
Kuntal:you're you're losing points in sync, you're losing points in stage presence.
Kuntal:You're losing points in formation, execution, and
Kuntal:losing points and the energy.
Kuntal:So you're losing just even if it's a decimal and each of those
Kuntal:things or a point each of those things, that's enough basically to
Kuntal:take you out of the running, uh,
Kuntal:So I, Naina I think I'll, I'm gonna throw this to you cause you, you
Kuntal:kinda, I think you had them in third.
Kuntal:So I want you to have a chance to
Kuntal:maybe talk about that.
Naina:had them in third, but again, like as soon as we stepped into
Naina:deliberations, like it, it wasn't.
Naina:It wasn't a third.
Naina:I felt so
Naina:strongly about that.
Naina:I was like, oh no, it
Naina:makes sense to give it to them over Furteelay Right.
Naina:So I think my scores were Furteelay and RVD were close enough that it made sense.
Naina:Um, I would say that, you know, I, I definitely agree with everything
Naina:Kuntal just said about, you know, they're form being really excellent.
Naina:Um, and then, you know, the dance we're leaving stage, you know,
Naina:having the repercussions that it did.
Naina:Um, think it's, it's, it's hard to, you know, look at
Naina:it on the whole picture when.
Naina:Their form is so excellent at the same time, there were, like we said earlier,
Naina:there was certain segments that.
Naina:were like so much fun to watch.
Naina:There were certain segments where I think we all kind of started
Naina:to like lose our concentration a little bit, which is not something
Naina:that you want happening as judges.
Naina:So, um, I think, you know, it makes sense when you look at the context
Naina:of the rubric, where there was more points allocated to words, Execution.
Naina:And then there were like, you know, creativity.
Naina:And so RVD set is execution wise, um, you know, a little bit better than
Naina:it is creatively than like, I guess, you know, that's the way the points
Naina:worked out the way I scored them.
Naina:But you know, when you look at it on the whole, and you look at, you know,
Naina:how for daily did versus how RVD did my scores were not far enough apart
Naina:that I felt like RVD was a clear third and especially, you know, as a panel.
Naina:It felt like we were all on the same page about what we'd seen that night.
Naina:And it made sense to, and that deliberation to a word for delay,
Naina:the third place they had done well enough, it bumps in my eyes and in
Naina:the other judges eyes to deserve that.
Kuntal:Yeah, just one thing, just to shine some light on what
Kuntal:Naina is saying about their set.
Kuntal:Um, you know, I'm looking at the numbers out of 45 points and set
Kuntal:design and RVD score, like just over 30, like 30.6 out of 45.
Kuntal:So they left 15 points on the
Kuntal:table and just the set they
Kuntal:created for this rubric.
Kuntal:Uh, it's hard to overcome that many
Kuntal:points that you didn't, you know, achieve on that rubric.
Kuntal:So just something worth mentioning, sorry, someone go
Simran:And that's what I was, I was going to kind of mention like
Simran:it's of course the main thing that everyone thinks about as an audiences.
Simran:They had a green dancer leave, but that's not to
Simran:say if the green dancer stayed that They would have won third, there's a
Simran:lot of other discrepancies in the set.
Simran:They had a shikka
Simran:lock right in the first like 10 seconds.
Simran:You know, there's a lot of, I feel like
Simran:their set was really tight in terms of spacing.
Simran:Some formations would be.
Simran:Um, you know, there would be energy discrepancies where the
Simran:middle is completely killing it.
Simran:And everyone
Simran:on the side is just walking the set.
Simran:So it's not to say that they would have won third, but maybe, Um, they
Simran:might've been in the conversation, but in comparison set to set Furteelay came
Simran:on stage a lot stronger.
Simran:They knew the stage, they knew the comp they knew the
Simran:rubric Furteelay had some minor mistakes as well.
Simran:I don't think it was
Simran:enough where it could have been a conversation where RVD would have placed
Simran:over Furteelay at this comp at least
Pooja:Yeah, I agree with everything that's been
Pooja:said so far.
Pooja:So I was the
Pooja:one that
Pooja:had actually had mob
Pooja:and Furteelay tied for third in
Pooja:terms of points.
Pooja:Um, but when it comes down to, when it came down to deliberations, like.
Pooja:All agreed.
Pooja:Like MOB's set just felt a bit monotonous and their stage
Pooja:presence could have been better.
Pooja:That's where Furteelay kind of took the leg up over them.
Pooja:Um, at least
Pooja:for me, uh, and, um, in terms of why Furteelay placed third,
Pooja:as opposed to further up,
Pooja:I would say, uh, this, this rubric was
Pooja:execution heavy and that's
Pooja:kind of where they took, um, more of a backseat compared
Pooja:to Farishtey
Anil:Um, so like moving forward with, you know, the comp season.
Anil:What, what is your, take away from.
Anil:this competition?
Anil:And what, do you want to see going forward for them, for like, teams that
Anil:are listening to this right now that are applying to different competitions.
Anil:We know March is full of a bunch of them right now.
Anil:What do you want teams to take away from?
Simran:I think for myself, I want teams to bring new things to the table.
Simran:A lot of things that have been presented as
Simran:recycled material from like:Simran:And that like Bhangra was
Simran:huge back in:Simran:where you would sit there and think, how did they even think of that?
Simran:And we're not getting a lot of that anymore.
Anil:I think it's really funny.
Anil:I just wanted to bring this
Anil:Um, I, I just judged one accomplished at Atlanta and I
Anil:asked one of the teams.
Anil:I was like, who is your, a lot of the teams, all these young teams
Anil:are like taking ideas, but not
Simran:Um, older
Anil:they're how, how old, like where they're from.
Anil:And I was like, ask the question.
Anil:I was like, what, what, like, how far back do you watch
Anil:videos from?
Anil:And they said:Anil:I was like,
Simran:Yeah, like, Bhangra had its prime.
Simran:to 14, whatever that era was.
Simran:And it's like, I kind of want to see it come back where now we, as judges
Simran:who have been in the circuit where crazy things are happening, we can say,
Simran:well, like this is great, you know?
Simran:And of course still preserving proper Bhangra being able to keep the form.
Simran:No, this is what I need to hit more modhe.
Simran:This is when I need to do this.
Simran:I'm not just doing Bhangra for the sake of Bhangra though.
Simran:You have to be able to face
Simran:what actual Bhangra
Kuntal:You know, the effect we're talking about is the Instagram effect, right?
Kuntal:The Tik Tok effect.
Kuntal:Um, we're talking about how teams are all kind of, you
Kuntal:know, it's, it's what looks good
Kuntal:on, on social media versus what looks good on stage and as a team.
Kuntal:uh, those don't always go
Kuntal:hand in hand.
Kuntal:Um, I like the fact that the,
Kuntal:you know, the social media side of it is pushing.
Kuntal:You know, try and be unique with their
Kuntal:choreo and stuff, but at the same time, it just ends up being people
Kuntal:ripping each other's choreo.
Kuntal:Um, so, you know, we have a lot of time on our hands and we've had a lot of
Kuntal:time and
Kuntal:I hope to
Kuntal:see more, um, more of an identity from each
Kuntal:Um, you know,
Kuntal:like figuring out who you are as a team, what kind of moments you want to sell?
Kuntal:Obviously we don't want the same flavor
Kuntal:of moments over and over and over, uh, and you're set, but
Kuntal:you know, it should be obvious.
Kuntal:What you want us to think of your team when, when, when we're watching
Kuntal:you, um, and what vibe you want to,
Kuntal:you know, to have as a team.
Kuntal:Um, so I think that's a big part of it.
Kuntal:Just, you know, trying to figure
Kuntal:out, you know, after all this time off
Kuntal:who you are
Kuntal:as a team.
Kuntal:Um, and then just to piggyback that being smart, like First Class was at this
Kuntal:comp and knowing how to work that
Kuntal:rubric study the rubric so hard to make sure that every
Kuntal:segment lines up with the
Kuntal:rubric so that you can get credit for your ideas.
Pooja:yeah, I'm really looking forward to the teams.
Pooja:Um, kind of honing into that identity aspect is.
Pooja:And really emoting, um, and making the audience feel, uh, something, you know,
Pooja:make everyone have fun, watch you dance.
Pooja:That's, that's what the art of it is.
Pooja:And I really hope that teams do more of that.
Pooja:And, um, one thing I did want to mention is that we talked
Pooja:about this as a panel as well.
Pooja:Uh, the importance of your mix cannot be stressed enough.
Pooja:Um, So we really encouraged teams to focus on that.
Pooja:Make sure your mix is properly EQ'd and that it's not, um, so bass heavy
Pooja:and maybe Naina you're more fit to, to talk about this, but we just we've
Pooja:noticed that a few of the teams, like there were so bass heavy that we
Pooja:couldn't really hear the vocals and the intricacies of their mixing, so that,
Pooja:um, kind of diminished their sets.
Kuntal:yeah, That's a conversation.
Kuntal:And then I have all the time, right?
Kuntal:Like with teams, it's like, look what you make isn't made to for your mixes.
Kuntal:For you to listen to in your car,
Kuntal:you can make a car version if you want, but you need to make sure you
Kuntal:understand how to, um, get the levels clear out the mids, make sure the
Kuntal:vocals are high enough so that all these things actually work when you
Kuntal:have a giant hall, giant speakers.
Kuntal:Um, and obviously there's people like Nana there's people like all
Kuntal:these people on the circuit that, uh,
Kuntal:are here to help those of you who maybe don't know how to do that.
Kuntal:So I, I hope that people reach out to, um, those who do know
Kuntal:how to do that and then get that help, whether it we're talking
Kuntal:about a mix or we're talking about how to design for a certain.
Naina:conversation, we can definitely like that.
Naina:That's a longer conversation.
Naina:That's not just about Burgh Um, it's, it's a.
Naina:That's just like a knowledge gap.
Naina:That thing is out there.
Naina:It's really cool to see that there's a lot of, I think there was a lot
Naina:of mixes at Burgh actually that were done by like newer mixers, which is
Naina:actually really incredible to see.
Naina:I actually feel like there's been a, there's been a drop off in terms of new
Naina:talent being, you know, injected there.
Naina:But, Um, the downside of that is that there is still a learning curve and
Naina:not a big comp Burgh on a huge stage on a huge sound system like that.
Naina:You can, uh, run into issues, but, um, I would say that another thing that I
Naina:noticed was if someone playing music in the bank, am I going for three years?
Naina:That okay.
Naina:That's just me.
Naina:Um, and I think that I noticed like, you know, over the course of the performances
Naina:at Burgh that is indicative of
Naina:maybe like a trend, is that.
Naina:I think they were like pretty consistent pacing issues, um, across a bunch of
Naina:different sets, which is something that came up in a lot of our comments.
Naina:Um, I would say this is another aspect of like this Tik Tok Instagram effect.
Naina:Um, it's, it's really tempting when you have like one minute
Naina:video on Instagram, right.
Naina:To make it like as high impact as possible.
Naina:So it's like breakneck speed chock full of ideas for a minute.
Naina:That doesn't work when you have eight minutes set.
Naina:Um, and so I think we saw a lot of like really, really, uh, jam-packed
Naina:segments followed by segments that were like kind of empty in terms of hard
Naina:hitting ideas, followed by a segment that was like really jammed full again.
Naina:And so pacing was something that I think I struggled to see a good job
Naina:of on, uh, in the sets at Burgh.
Naina:And I really hope that that's something that people understand that like
Naina:constructing a set for a stage that is competitive, and that is supposed to be
Naina:like someone was alluding to earlier, like demonstrating an understanding of
Naina:Bhangra as a whole, as like an art form.
Naina:That's not what goes into making Instagram videos.
Naina:It is definitely drawing on similar skills, but it's not the same.
Naina:Um, and so it's important to be able to prioritize ideas, to be able to
Naina:construct segments in a way that encouraged, you know, your viewer
Naina:to appreciate the flow, to follow the, your ideas all the way through.
Naina:Um, the flip side of that, that I mentioned earlier, as we saw.
Naina:Throw some really like crazy stuff out, you know, Cornell had some ideas that were
Naina:super risky at FCB had ideas that were risky even further down our placings, like
Naina:Tartan and also ideas that were risky.
Naina:But like they all were trying interesting stuff.
Naina:I think they're probably like three or four teams that had Jomar songs that just
Naina:all of us were like, what is happening?
Naina:Like they were just unexpected.
Naina:And so it was cool to at least see that like people are trying new
Naina:stuff and hopefully that moves us away from some of the saturation of
Naina:ideas and the recycling on the days that we were talking about earlier.
Naina:But I think the future is bright.
Naina:I think it was a really strong start.
Naina:All things considered the season.
Naina:Um, Burgh's such a high caliber competition.
Naina:So, you know, starting, starting with a high caliber comp and
Naina:a high caliber set of teams.
Naina:I think it sets a really good bar for the first season, back in a long time.
Anil:Um, like just to finish this up.
Anil:Thank you guys.
Anil:Thank you everybody for tuning or hopping on this call and sharing your thoughts.
Anil:Um, we'll hopefully have this out very soon.
Anil:Um, and we'll get working on that.
Pooja:Thanks for having us.
Pooja:It's a pleasure.
Naina:That's a good
Simran:the good time.
Umer:alright, thanks for listening to another episode of The Bhangra podcast.
Umer:And now.
Umer:for the little announcement I had in store for y'all So next week we'll
Umer:be dropping the entire raw unedited judges, deliberation conversation.
Umer:So be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get
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