E22: 22 – Competition Prediction: Bhangra In The 6ix 2018
Hey y’all! On this episode Umer Qureshi, Sahab Grover, Varan Rakhra, and Sid Pandit take a look at the Bhangra in the 6ix competition and talk about their predictions for the show. Our discussion focuses on:
[4:10] – Details of the rubric
[17:30] – Some basic things to know when watching live
[24:45] – Who they think will place in the music section
If you have any submissions for the mental health podcast you can submit them here: bit.ly/TBPMentalHealthForm
Bhangra in the 6ix Rubric: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Vzxcb8gxy7MGEY798
If you want to buy tickets to the competition you can buy them at www.bhanrainthe6ix.ca
West Coast Bhangra HCB Mix 2018 by JSK
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