E21: 21 – The Judges View: Bhangra Blowout 2018

E21: 21 – The Judges View: Bhangra Blowout 2018

E21: 21 – The Judges View: Bhangra Blowout 2018

Hey y’all! On this episode Umer Qureshi talks to judges Ram Mahalingam, Howie Magaro, Amrinder (Nana) Singh, Deepika Potarazu, and Harkirran about how they judged Bhangra Blowout 2018! Our discussion focuses on

– Making the rubric

– Deliberations for 3rd place the UCLA vs CMU vs UNC debate

– Spartan’s expectations going in and how they fared in the scheme of things

– VTech surprising the circuit at 2nd place

– Illini unanimously getting 1st

Bhangra Blowout 25 Official Mixtape by Swizzee (w/ DJ MG and Margib)


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