Podcast! Podcast! Podcast! March 10th, 2025
Here’s some news from around the Bhangra circuit In this email Updates from the Podcast Recent Competition Results Upcoming Competitions Upcoming Competition Applications Judging
We Are Partnering with Ekta.App!
The Bhangra Podcast is partnering with Ekta to bring a universal competition common application to the Bhangra circuit. This post is part of a series of posts to help you get start
How to Set Up a Team on Ekta
The Bhangra Podcast is partnering with Ekta to bring a universal competition common application to the Bhangra circuit. This post is part of a series of posts to help you get start
How To Make Sure Your Bhangra Critique SMACS
As a Bhangra dancer, or honestly any kind of dancer, you HAVE to be open to criticism. You have to encourage criticism. If you’re constantly batting away or hiding from criticism